
Location: Suqian, China
Year: 2017
Area: 12km²
Contribution: Masterplan

From the beginning of time, canals (rivers and lakes) were the life-strings of this community.  The first etchings of human settlement, canals were the wellspring of life – of water for growing food -- of work and meaning for families, villages, a people.  Now they have become drainage ditches. The ancient flow has been reversed from life giving to waste receiving. Our proposal is to restore the canal’s role as a life-string, with life-giving qualities of water and growth that flow outward to touch the people who live and work along it, and in turn all of Suqian.  

Using this metaphor, the Urban Forest becomes a living matrix for defining places along the canal that will sustain people and help them to grow.  In the 21st century, sustenance and growth still mean food, but growth also requires knowledge, health, creative discovery, industry, community, and joy.  These are the kinds of places and experiences one should find in the Urban Forest along the canal. We see the Urban Forest as melody composed of a matrix of chord extending along the length of the canal, but also laterally to form places that bring life and freshness into adjacent communities.  

Like a melody, each chord defines a place of different character and purpose related to its surroundings: some quiet and reflective, others filled with noisy kids and celebration – all linked together by the canal. Inspired by the 5 music elements from Chinese traditional music theory, we proposed 5 nodes along the river to created places for the people of Suqian.




宿迁是一座不断被水塑造的城市。京杭运河的通渠,黄河的到来和离开,骆马湖的成形,宿迁这座城市也随着水的变化不断成长。 为民河城市森林公园,上承古黄河以及城市中心,下启南行干渠和高铁新区,是连结宿迁历史和未来的重要纽带。全场12.5公里点城市森林公园联通9条水系,21条城市道路,即使关键的生态节点,又贯穿城市的主要生活区和产业园区。对宿迁来说,黄河象征着人们对生计的诉求;大运河象征着城市生意的兴起,而为民河则是宿迁未来城市生机的核心。我们对为民河的愿景,是一条连接宿迁的历史和未来,融合生态、生产、生趣、生活的城市活力廊道。


