Location: Medellin, Columbia
Year: 2013
Scope: 450 hectares
A strategic plan was developed for Ruta n, a public joint venture with the mayor’s office of Medellín. The Medellínnovation District proposal is the product of a consortium in which Prof. Dennis Frenchman led the work on Strategic Principles, Urban Design and Catalyst Projects.
Medellin recently received global recognition as the world’s ‘Most Innovative City.’ The award, from the Wall Street Journal and the Urban Land Institute recognized not only the city’s innovative businesses, but also its innovative strategy to overcome violence and reclaim neighborhoods. With the emergence of a new economy that is based on digitally enabled production, communications and lifestyles, advanced enterprises are networked rather than centralized, customized rather than standardized, and aim to deliver locally sourced products and services.
Carlo Ratti Associate Director, MIT SENSEable City Lab & Partner, Carlo Ratti Associati / Michael L. Joroff, Research Affiliate in the School of Architecture & Planning, MIT; / Jota Samper, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Studies & Planning, MIT; / Ricardo Alvarez, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Urban Studies & Planning, MIT; / MIC - MoBILITY IN CHAIN; / ACCENTURE / ENGRAM SRL
Unique Solutions
Proposed a University Research Axis where existing educational medical institutions are the foundation for the new innovation ecology of Medellin. A hospital cluster, new science center, university main entrance, river gateway, and an innovation industry park for academics and companies to collaborate are catalyst projects planned along this axis.
Presented a new form of productive neighborhood, a highly integrated live-work community, which would leverage opportunities brought forth by 21st century urbanism trends. In this model, productive spaces are migrating back into the heart of our cities. The products of these industries include not only software, services, media and mobile apps, but also complex objects and devices produced through 3-d printing and digital fabrication using clean, virtually silent operations. Providing attractive places for the creative people who work is essential to the innovation ecology. The strategy is also to mix new and old housing types in close association with work places, as well as shops, services, and education.