+ 2019 - 2 months
+ Masterplan and Urban Design
+ Zhongjiang, Chengdu, China
+ Status: Under construction
Masterplan and urban design for a site of 600,000m2 of land that includes a lakefront resort, a campus hospitality training center, and a commercial village.
The Polus international School, a professional training academy based in Chengdu acquired land North East of the city with the intent to develop it into a resort. With the land categorized as educational, a flexible program and planning structure allowing the cohabitation of both education and tourism was developed.
Unique Solutions
+ Integration of educational and tourism program within the phasing, spatial organization and urban design. Natural features of the site such as waterways and topography were leveraged in the design and placement of the program.
+ Close collaboration with the client in the development of the program and identifying the intersections and symbiosis between the educational and tourism components.