

Location: Ji’nan, China
Year: 2017
Area: 1,195km²
Contribution: Masterplan, Urban Design and Industrial Positioning

The city of Jinan is the capital city of Shandong province with 5 million residents living south of the Yellow River within the urban area. The city initiated a strategic new development North of the Yellow River to host another projected 3-4 million residents, and requested a conceptual masterplan and urban design guidelines. A RFP was released to select 2 companies to work on the conceptual plan task. Tekuma Frenchman won the bidding through a RFP.

Unique Solutions

  • Identified the Yellow River as a ‘seam’ to connect both the north and the south side, by integrating the river as a ‘National Park’ at the center of the city.

  • Proposed four urban clusters themed Health & Wellness, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Robotics & Agile Logistic, Culture & Lifestyle, with generous green spaces acting as buffers between the four clusters.

  • Developed a 40km-long Agile Logistic Corridor combining manufacturing, fulfillment and distribution for value-added service, elevating Jinan as an innovative regional logistic center.

  • Leveraged the water resources and its cultural value to the city, and proposed a New Daming Lake as the centerpiece of the new development.

Collaborator:  Mobility in Chain




铁路通行使济南成为近代史上少数几个在中国人主导下开展现代化建设的城市之一:20世纪初,中国人自主规划的商埠区成为济南的新城。一个世纪后,高铁网络的建设,也使济南重新回到全国的枢纽位置。济南迎来了百年来城市发展的重要契机,携河北跨,将新的人才、产业和城市空间带到黄河对岸。在这个过程中,黄河也会由一个城市的屏障变成缝合南北两岸的纽带,为城市居民创造新的生态空间。可以说,济南正在由“大明湖时代”步入“黄河时代”。 作为21世纪国家级新区试点项目,“携河”发展计划将以全新的方式进行城市升级。在过去几十年来,国内外的规划方案大多将城市生活与产业发展割裂开来,将生产要素布局在城市周边孤立的工商业园区中。在新的世纪,产业与经济的数字化转型将高附加价值赋予到产品的生产和服务环节,以分布式发展的形式渗透到城市当中,大幅提高产出效率,降低环境污染。我们的方案浓缩了高密度的混合用地的开发,使它们沿着交通线路紧凑地排列,从而创造了步行和骑行的城市环境。在这些开发的中轴线两侧,大片的土地为黄河的生态保护被预留。这也为休闲、文旅和精品农业提供了空间。

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