Changqing University City

Location: Changqing, China
Year: In Progress
Area: 260km²
Contribution: Masterplan and Industrial Positioning

A university town was planned 15 years ago in Changqing, a satellite city of Jinan with 11 Universities clustered within an urban area of 48 sqkm surrounded by a beautiful landscape. While the university campuses grew, little economic activity followed. A new plan was requested by the mayor to make the city as the town of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Tekuma Frenchman won the bid through a RFP.

Unique Solutions

  • Defined an overall strategic positioning for the site as “Valley of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, City of Knowledge, Mountain and Water”.

  • Provided comprehensive masterplan under the principles of “Diversity, Density and Permeability”, asking each campus to implement an ‘1.0-0.1’ policy - to increase the campus FAR to 1.0, and mix 10% of building floor area as industry and commercial promoting the integration of city and universities.

  • Presented urban design guidelines under the concept of “mountain-water integration and knowledge courtyards”, highlighting a digital media district along the main waterfront as a central area of collaboration between the existing arts and performance universities, high-tech companies and movie theme park on the site.

Collaborator:  Mobility in Chain / BCG..



大部分优秀的大学都存在于大城市和城镇中。事实上,两者相互依存,例如:英国和美国的剑桥,牛津,北京大学。 2000年长清大学城建成之时,它包括11所大学。他们环境优美、各有优势、各有专攻,但并没有形成与之相关的城镇。因此,这些大学和他们的学生彼此孤立,并与大城市济南隔绝。学生留在校园里,缺乏良好的社会和文化生活。



合作:Mobility in Chain / BCG....